Saturday, April 27, 2013

Using QR Codes with Equations of Lines

I think QR Codes can be very valuable in a high school classroom.  So, I decided to try creating my own activity using QR Codes.  For this first activity, I am going to have students scan a QR Code when they would like to check the answers to the task card.  I realize that students could just scan the code and get the answers, but they could also just turn to the back of their book to get the answers too!  I am hoping that the novelty of using the iPad/iPhone/other mobile device will be enough to get them to try to do the problem first!

I know nothing about QR Codes really, except that you see them everywhere, and I know I have an app for that!  So, I am learning about how to use them in the classroom.  So far, I have discovered that I can embed text, video, or a url into the QR Code.  What I am struggling with right now is how I can give students answers to questions that need mathematical notation.  For example, I know I could type sqrt 2 to mean the square root of 2, but it's not good math notation, and I want my students to use good notation!

So, I am trying to figure out where I can store my QR Codes so students can get them.  I am open to any suggestions that you might have - leave them in the comments section.

Here are what two of my task cards look like.

I am really excited about this new method of helping students learn with technology!

If you'd like to see this entire product, please check it out here:

Slope Task Cards with QR Codes

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